W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary in Augusta, features a variety of birds and trails to explore.
The W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary is located about 15 miles north of Kalamazoo and not far from Gull Lake.
There are 3 miles of trails to explore and visitors can experience a variety of habitats surrounding Wintergreen Lake and is open during all four seasons.
Visitors will see a variety of birds. It is a great place for birding, nature photography or simply enjoying a walk outside.
The grounds are available to visitors Wednesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
The Bird Sanctuary also offers many courses, family programs and workshops. Some are also offered online.
They also feature events like: "Birds and Coffee Chats", "Trails and Tails of Butterflies", and "Bird Search and Seek", which involve the entire family.
There are also volunteer opportunities.
Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children 2-17 years-old. Group tours are also available.
More information is available at: birdsanctuary.kbs.msu.edu.