8/3/22 - U.S. Visit To Taiwan Angers China

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Nancy Pelosi says her trip to Taiwan is meant to support preserving democracy.

- U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a short visit to Taiwan 

She and other members of Congress were there to show support and convey the message that they will not abandon their commitment to the island.

Nancy Pelosi is the first U.S. speaker to visit the island in more than 25 years.

China was not happy with the visit.  They claim Taiwan as its territory and opposes any engagement by Taiwanese officials with foreign governments.  They issued a series of harsh statements directed at the U.S. delegation. 

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng conveyed the country's protests to the U.S. ambassador in Beijing, Nicholas Burns. 

Earlier today, China announced that they would ban some imports from Taiwan,






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